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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Panama City or Bust!

After my wonderful sendoff at the Cincinnati airport, I eventually arrived in Panama City last evening - airport there is oddly small but made for a quick exit as I picked up my car and headed to the hotel.  My hotel is nice and should serve as a sufficient reminder of privacy and comforts this last week here in the States - however ... the walls are paper thin -  as I had the distinct honor of having to listen to the guy next door's phone conversations until 3am and then topped off with (drumroll please) him taking inappropriate liberties with himself - or at least liberties he was most likely unaware that anyone else could hear.  I was literally praying to be sleeping close to a military air base runway rather than this particular shared hotel wall.  (I know kiddies may be reading this so I am trying my best to keep it clean!)  Best part, I see the same guy this morning at the clinic for the in-take testing!

I've met 7 other guys hired by the same company and all of them but 1 have been to the Middle East several times to work - some with this company, some with other companies.  So, it was good to talk with them and I got a much better idea of the wide variety of work we do and where and what the life of a contractor can be.  There is 1 other guy here working on the same project as me and he has already been involved in a prior assignment so he shared some good information.  We are also traveling together so that will be good for me - he seems to be a nice guy and good company.  I did confirm that there ARE fresh vegetables and fruit in Bagram courtesy of the food service guy I was sitting next to who had worked on that base - don't know why, but that's important info to me.

As for me, I am still feeling weirdly tired but much more focused now that my adventure has officially begun.  Have a combination of the tireds, the sads and the exciteds.  I also hope to become much better at writing this blog!  Tomorrow - as the rest of the week - more intake and training.

Drink of the night - Copolla Claret in a styrofoam cup - Cheers!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to follow the adventure!!!

Kennedy said...

Good luck! That's hilarious about the guy violating himself next door!

Unknown said...

HW how are ya! Glad that I will be able to follow along...be safe.

McCabe said...

...and you haven't even left the country. How fortunate American kittys, doggies and humans are...