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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Love for Sale

Amsterdam was a quick but really fun trip. The weather forced me into more touristy activities which ended up being great ideas. I arrived in Amsterdam early Monday afternoon after an educational train navigation trip. Made it from Brugge to Brussels but got off at wrong station (there were 3) so I ended up taking a cattle car, rather than the swanky Thalys line to Amsterdam. My hotel was in a great location and was a very quirky size and shape - loved it though. The staircase - as I was warned by my friend in London - was narrow, steep and was an instrument of torture ... For the guy who carried my bag up it. Went right to the main area and walked around, ate, drank some beer and later had a very nice dinner. The smell of weed wafted through the air at every turn. Sat in one of the infamous coffee shops and enjoyed a cocktail as I received a contact buzz from all the pot smoke in the air - I also smiled fondly at the wonderful memories of college that smell evoked.

that long building is where my hotel is located

the stairway of torture

some of the many famous houseboats

The second day was cold and rainy so I hit the Ann Frank museum that was right across the street from my hotel. Incredibly interesting experience as was the city's history during WWII - which is now overrun with German made cars rather than the "Nasties" (my term for the Nazis). From there I jumped in a cruise boat after purchasing a 24 hour ticket and rode two complete lines through the city. Perfect thing to do on a rainy and cold day. Really was able to see the city since walking wasn't going to be much of an option.

That night I ventured down the road to the Red Light District which was pretty tame - other than the women in the windows advertising their services and the live sex shows. Fun bars and very lively area. Apparently you are not to photo the women in the windows. I was taking pics of the canals and beautifully lit buildings when a very angry prostitute marched into her doorway and cussed me out in at least 3, maybe 4 languages - the last being English which I clearly understood and she gets points for her creative insults! What could I do but take my verbal punishment, hand gesture an apology and walk on. Her verbal tirade was in total contrast to her school girl outfit, I must say. And, I WAS trying to sneak a pic in of her storefront...
a happy hillbilly!

flower market

red light district

this is shot that had the prostitute seeing red - you can see her in the window if you look hard enough

this church was in the middle of the red light district

see, I was also taking pics of the buildings and canals

Anyangryprostie, I really loved this city. Similar to Brugge but much more urban. Wish I could have walked it more, but the weather did not cooperate. I have now just arrived in Munich so more on Germany in a day or so.

Drink of the night - Bier!

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