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Friday, June 4, 2010

Back in the Game!

Finally. Finally I have enough bandwidth to access this site!  It's been a crazy, busy week but combined with limited internet access, I've felt really cut-off.  I also have a bad case of vacationitis to boot.  I did receive some excellent items in the mail this week - St. Alphonso's T-shirts and also some Wine Festival wear in addition to DVDs, snacks and some high end facial treatment products.  On that note, I am absolutely certain that I am the only customer of Arbonne who opened her package with a switchblade.  But thank you for the constant thoughtfulness and generosity in the package department.  You have no idea how much it settles and calms one to open a box of fun and be clearly reminded of those who sent it - that includes receiving the emails too!  Working over here is certainly not for everyone and I often wonder if it's for me, but for the most part it's become "normal" - and then you remember you live in a tent and haven't seen ice in months.  I do have it much, much better than the majority of the military here and I am aware of that every day - I worry about who will be injured or killed for what now is shaping up to be such a futile effort, and think of their families.

As for what's happening here - it's simply nuts.  Work-wise, this whole troop surge situation is a cluster of confusion and too-many-chiefs syndrome.  It has resulted in many interesting little trips for me, but  not much being accomplished in the decision making realm and therefore nothing significant ending up on a map or in any written documents.  I have to constantly remind myself to simply plug along and remember that this is the unusual experience I was hoping for - one that will hopefully result in captivating work for the next several years - in exotic places - and some much needed financial freedom.  Big Picture, right?  All of this would be pretty much a flake of poo on the bottom of my shoe if I were ending the day with a steaming hot bath in my air tub accompanied by a large goblet of wine and the company of loved ones, but alas, that is not the situation so I just power through it.  I am simply caught up too much in the day to day and forgetting my big picture - one that is so cheery and bright (think Van Gough) that all of this will just eventually be an interesting conversation among friends and family over a savory dinner.

My family has high-tailed it out of town for the annual family vacation!  Last year the theme was "catch with your face" after too many rousing games in the pool with the little ones and their Aunts and Uncles - no tears are allowed if you happen to take a shot in the face with a wet, NERF football - you simply have to learn how to catch it!  This year I am missing out on the fun, but hope to be able to someday provide my own Florida haven for the family and friends to descend upon several times each year.   Besides, the kids are getting one more solid year of good mental health without this particular Auntie there to inadvertently scar their little psyches with my boisterous displays of love, affection and commentary.  They will be stronger for next year!  I was, however, shocked to be informed that one niece - a pre-tween - has placed herself up for adoption solely to my brother and his wife.  I have a feeling that's something my sister may take her up on in the next couple of years... that kid cracks me up and is certain to be a handful!  I wish I were participating in the annual vacation event, but certainly plan to next year!

So today I am enjoying an odd day off thanks to having to fly out to a FOB on my official day off tomorrow.  We are hosting a cookout later today which has me very curious as to what we are actually cooking and where it originated?  I might finally enjoy the scent of food on the grill - I'm being cautiously optimistic but really hope it happens just like it was described!  I feel like a member of a remote Amazonian tribe, confronted with the curiosity of that which is "different".  If there are actual, totally real, steak or hotdogs that will literally be grilled, I am totally prepared to act out the Monolith Monkey scene from "2001: A Space Odyssey".  Lets hope it happens - Oook Oook!

I hope the rest of you are enjoying now what is officially summer!  The summer of 2010!  I hope it's a good one for everyone and I wish I was enjoying mine at home - but alas, I am not so I will sign off now and go look at my checkbook to remind myself of why being here isn't really so bad~

Drink of the Day - Fake cold beer to be enjoyed around a real BBQ (hopefully)