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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Half-way point.

Well, it's been many days since I've been able to post.  This was due to a combination of trips off the base and very poor internet access.  Made worse by the fact that I cannot even mention where and what I'm working on at this point because of security clearance issues, etc.  So, in sum, I'm doing quite a bit but can't say anything about it.  Other than a group suicide bomber attack on the base earlier this week, combined with a few hairy helicopter rides, there has not been much to report!  My next vacation is too far off to even entertain the thought of being excited about it, so I'm in a quandary over what to write.  I have hit the halfway point here according to the computer program, "Donut of Misery" that a co-worker sent to me.  You can plug important dates into the program and the "Donut" graph tells you how long you've been here and how much longer until you next anticipated date.  Both my end of contract and next vacation donuts are not in stages that offer much excitement - it's purgatory for me and I had no idea how dusty and hot purgatory could be.  It's actually starting to become quite humid as the rainy season approaches.  Any change to hot and dusty would be nice - maybe hot, rainy, muggy and muddy is on it's way.  The only reprieve from my own personal angst and boredom that usually accompanies my being in the middle of something is that some of my favorite fellow co-horts have recently returned from their vacations.  There are several of us now sharing in the post-vacation gloom, impatience and systemic shock from being back here after a nice relaxing break.  At least I'm in good company.

I spend much of my free-time filling out horrifically detailed on-line applications in an attempt to land one of a few coveted positions with some select Federal Agencies and/or the organizations they fund.  I am very interested in the democracy and governance programs underway over here and throughout the world, with crisis stabilization coming in as a tie for my attention.  The more experienced and tenured contractors over here have advised starting the job search at the 6 month point of your current contract.  I like what I'm doing, but there are far more interesting things to do over here that could lead to even more intriguing work in other countries.  Time will tell, but it's basically my second job.  It takes so long to apply to one of these postings in a normal setting, but then adding slow and sporadic internet connectivity makes it nearly a nightmare.  I am often dropped from my connection which then results in the loss of anything that wasn't saved so I continually fill out the same application repeatedly.  Very frustrating...  I just keep trying and will wait to see what the future holds.  I'm getting several nibbles but haven't progressed in any interview process far enough yet to even guess at an outcome.  I will say that my impression so far, based on the current employees I've met and the biographies of the area and country directors, is that I will have to compete with a very tough "pedigree" of individuals - there's no Harvard or MIT on my CV, nor is there an abundance of foreign languages - unless they count eubonics or hillbilly .  If I am able to gain access to one of these coveted positions - with no political or ambassadorial ambitions - then I will count myself lucky and will just check it off to tenacity and making-your-own-luck ... and being over 40 which creates an air of confidence I've earned and was missing 10 years ago.  We'll see, we'll see ... I'd be just as happy to be at home too - for a variety of totally different reasons!

So, I hope August is starting off well for all of you!  The NFL season is just around the corner and I am still trying to figure out how to enjoy it from here - that's a goal that is certainly worth the effort!  The Bengals signed T.O. and I'm not even around to enjoy the circus that is certain to ensue...  The fall without pumpkins, outdoor festivals, draft beer, changing leaves and football will be daunting for me - it's my favorite time of year.  I'm sure I will survive and will just have to live vicariously through the rest of you.  Until then!

Drink of the Night - hot Chai tea!