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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder

Good Evening!  I am taking a quick break from applying sharpie eyebrows and trying to drink wine through my gas mask to make my evening entry.  This picture displays the hot mess that has been me for a good portion of the day.  After a morning of chemical warfare training, not even my trusty noggin' cover could overcome the state of my hair or the semi-permanent lines in my face from the gas mask.  All I will say is .... I hope we have no chemical issues over there or I will be in dire straights - plus hearing your own breathing in that thing freaks you out - in addition to always wanting to say "Luke, I am your father".

I leave tomorrow and am spending the evening getting myself psyched for this adventure.  I had a few moments today at the office talking about the project where I momentarily could not even believe what I was about to do, but got over it.   I really don't even have a clue, but I LOVE that about life - this will be what it will be and I hope to have one hell of an interesting time figuring it out.  Plus, I can focus on being kind of a beach bum over there - there's so much sand how could I not think about the beach?  Right?  I know it's not that kind of sand, but it's all about how you trick yourself into handling things.  Sand under your toes compared to blowing at 30 MPH in your face are drastically different experiences, but it's still sand all the same.  As long as I can keep it out of my PB&J I will be happy (one of the fondest memories of the beach as a kid).

So .... don't know when I will be able to post again, but I will as soon as I can.  I cannot believe I am finally leaving tomorrow - I will be close to Ms. Goldthwaite's digs in London for a bit during my layover in Heathrow - and yes, I plan on donning a smoking jacket and screaming "Great Scott!" and "Jolly Good" from the bar as often as I can in honor of the UK.   Hopefully I will arrive in "Nofunistan" by  Sunday.

Drink of the Evening - Erik the Red in a paper cup

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ahhhh.  One more day to go and then it's leavin' time.  I fortunately agreed to have a few cocktails at the local Applebee's before returning to my room to consume my time with laundry and last minute preparations for "the Stan".  Needless to say, I am very relaxed or "chillaxed" as some refer to it.  Today was shots, gas masks, boots, IDs, etc.  Tomorrow is chemical warfare training and then I'm finished and just waiting to go.  The gas mask issue was kind of bitch since I apparently have a very simian hairline and couldn't get the mask to seal -  I feel like I've been here a month.  Not much else to report except for the fact that I have evolved into an extremely organized individual - don't know how it happened, but it's comforting in a weird way.  Did I mention that Florida appears to be one, giant trailer park - the planning here is horrendous.  They haven't met a curb cut they wouldn't approve.  I digress.  One more posting tomorrow and then not until I find some sort of internet connection - who knows when that will happen.  I still don't even know exactly where I'm going!  More to come...

Drink tonight: yes, and many!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kitten with a Whip

So - you may be wondering why my cat is here - there is no particular reason except that I needed to know how to post a picture - and that I think he is exceptionally handsome and full of cattitude.

Anycrazycatlady, I just completed another day of training and intake.  I am beginning to get pretty antsy and nervous about leaving on Friday.  Mainly because we can't get many specific details on the project because it's big, always changing and those type of particulars are decided over there.  The only things I am certain of is that the living conditions leave much to be desired and the working environment elicits a lot of head-shaking.  I'm just ready to go and find out myself - I have a feeling that my customary level of hygiene may become a fond, comforting memory. I'm hoping not to return as a grizzled, cigar chomping, so-and-so with the tough love and big heart attitude of a reformed prostitute. I'v met many John Waynes thus far and I seriously mean that in a good way.  Very practical and tough gentlemen who've spent a good deal of time over there  - and here as well - managing projects.  I'm off now to practice some Pashto and recline in my room.

Drink of the night: - Corona Light AND Louis Jadot Pinot Noir - both right out of the bottle!  Meow!

Monday, February 22, 2010

This would make an interesting tourism guide

Began the day at 3:30am to a rooster crowing which was odd since I don't recall being near a farm.  Then a huge thunderstorm hit  which was totally weird to hear since I would never expect one in February if I were at home - by the way, I was sleeping with the window open which does open if you push hard enough.  I had an extremely long day of intake and power point presentations.  It began with a travel handout about the astronomically huge pain in the behind it appears getting to Afghanistan will be and it could very well take me around 48 hours to get there.  My favorite part - the handout actually said ... "Afghanistan is a filthy disease-ridden place..." and then went on to list all of the ick (including Malaria and Hepatitis) that's floating around there.  I get my Malaria medication this week which I have to take daily - I have heard that it can make you violently ill or cause nightmares so of course I absolutely cannot wait to begin taking it - I didn't think about mosquitos (who always seem to find me) in the desert, but apparently the rainy season or any moisture whatsoever brings the little suckers out. This has to be included in their travel brochures!  But you know me - I can throw a decorative pillow anywhere and call it a palace.  As I've said before, if I am able to utilize tape I will be able to make anything "homey." We did get quite the lecture about not making pets out of the dogs (they kill them) or cats (they are there to kill other things) that run around the place but I'm sure I can at least come up with some names in order to great them.  They apparently need to remain murderous little creatures and that's really fine by me.  Tomorrow is more of the same and then the equipment handouts and training at the base begin.  I am spending the evening in the comfy room and enjoying a snack and a beverage.

Drink of the evening - Corona Light in a bottle, no lime.  Pinkie's up!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Panama City or Bust!

After my wonderful sendoff at the Cincinnati airport, I eventually arrived in Panama City last evening - airport there is oddly small but made for a quick exit as I picked up my car and headed to the hotel.  My hotel is nice and should serve as a sufficient reminder of privacy and comforts this last week here in the States - however ... the walls are paper thin -  as I had the distinct honor of having to listen to the guy next door's phone conversations until 3am and then topped off with (drumroll please) him taking inappropriate liberties with himself - or at least liberties he was most likely unaware that anyone else could hear.  I was literally praying to be sleeping close to a military air base runway rather than this particular shared hotel wall.  (I know kiddies may be reading this so I am trying my best to keep it clean!)  Best part, I see the same guy this morning at the clinic for the in-take testing!

I've met 7 other guys hired by the same company and all of them but 1 have been to the Middle East several times to work - some with this company, some with other companies.  So, it was good to talk with them and I got a much better idea of the wide variety of work we do and where and what the life of a contractor can be.  There is 1 other guy here working on the same project as me and he has already been involved in a prior assignment so he shared some good information.  We are also traveling together so that will be good for me - he seems to be a nice guy and good company.  I did confirm that there ARE fresh vegetables and fruit in Bagram courtesy of the food service guy I was sitting next to who had worked on that base - don't know why, but that's important info to me.

As for me, I am still feeling weirdly tired but much more focused now that my adventure has officially begun.  Have a combination of the tireds, the sads and the exciteds.  I also hope to become much better at writing this blog!  Tomorrow - as the rest of the week - more intake and training.

Drink of the night - Copolla Claret in a styrofoam cup - Cheers!