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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder

Good Evening!  I am taking a quick break from applying sharpie eyebrows and trying to drink wine through my gas mask to make my evening entry.  This picture displays the hot mess that has been me for a good portion of the day.  After a morning of chemical warfare training, not even my trusty noggin' cover could overcome the state of my hair or the semi-permanent lines in my face from the gas mask.  All I will say is .... I hope we have no chemical issues over there or I will be in dire straights - plus hearing your own breathing in that thing freaks you out - in addition to always wanting to say "Luke, I am your father".

I leave tomorrow and am spending the evening getting myself psyched for this adventure.  I had a few moments today at the office talking about the project where I momentarily could not even believe what I was about to do, but got over it.   I really don't even have a clue, but I LOVE that about life - this will be what it will be and I hope to have one hell of an interesting time figuring it out.  Plus, I can focus on being kind of a beach bum over there - there's so much sand how could I not think about the beach?  Right?  I know it's not that kind of sand, but it's all about how you trick yourself into handling things.  Sand under your toes compared to blowing at 30 MPH in your face are drastically different experiences, but it's still sand all the same.  As long as I can keep it out of my PB&J I will be happy (one of the fondest memories of the beach as a kid).

So .... don't know when I will be able to post again, but I will as soon as I can.  I cannot believe I am finally leaving tomorrow - I will be close to Ms. Goldthwaite's digs in London for a bit during my layover in Heathrow - and yes, I plan on donning a smoking jacket and screaming "Great Scott!" and "Jolly Good" from the bar as often as I can in honor of the UK.   Hopefully I will arrive in "Nofunistan" by  Sunday.

Drink of the Evening - Erik the Red in a paper cup


Lisa C said...

Ok - the "Luke, I am your Father" had me snorting diet coke out my nose!!! I'm loving the blog - and can't wait to take the adventure with you - albeit from the safety of my sofa!! I'll be watching anxiously for posts - but I know connections may make it difficult - we have experience with that with our cousin's blog from Haiti. Just know that we're thinking of you!!

Susie said...
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McCabe said...

Enjoy your journey Heidi!!!! Ruby says Hi and bonmeowage....I will find a way to communicate with you