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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ahhhh.  One more day to go and then it's leavin' time.  I fortunately agreed to have a few cocktails at the local Applebee's before returning to my room to consume my time with laundry and last minute preparations for "the Stan".  Needless to say, I am very relaxed or "chillaxed" as some refer to it.  Today was shots, gas masks, boots, IDs, etc.  Tomorrow is chemical warfare training and then I'm finished and just waiting to go.  The gas mask issue was kind of bitch since I apparently have a very simian hairline and couldn't get the mask to seal -  I feel like I've been here a month.  Not much else to report except for the fact that I have evolved into an extremely organized individual - don't know how it happened, but it's comforting in a weird way.  Did I mention that Florida appears to be one, giant trailer park - the planning here is horrendous.  They haven't met a curb cut they wouldn't approve.  I digress.  One more posting tomorrow and then not until I find some sort of internet connection - who knows when that will happen.  I still don't even know exactly where I'm going!  More to come...

Drink tonight: yes, and many!

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