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Sunday, May 23, 2010

An Unusual Saturday Night

Hello all!  As many of you may know, or not, Kandahar Air Field was attacked last night for several hours.  I'm never sure what makes the news, but what I did see on-line did not even come close to what was going on here.  I'm certain that's purposeful and a combination of tactics to quell the Taliban and a decreasing focus domestically on this cluster-&%)#.  I don't mind saying that while outwardly calm, I was extremely freaked by what was happening.  I had an evening meeting with some military bigwigs to plan battalion placement for the surge - yes, it is interesting.  However, that meeting put me in a bad location when the rocket attacks started and they were exploding all around us - one as close as roughly 50 - 70 yards.  And yes, when things like that happen that close to you, your business end does pucker with fear!  The good thing was that I was the only civilian with about 20 armed military personnel, holed up in an incredibly hot, dark bunker for roughly 4 and a half hours.  Things were on fire, people running around with guns and threatening those who didn't identify themselves, the Bond-girl speaker alerts announcing "ground attack" and "serious situation", planes and helicopters overhead firing - it was really too much.  Then there would be a lull for awhile, followed by more rocket attacks.  The news said the Taliban was stopped from entering the base, but that's not what I heard from command which was more like perimeter breaches in at least 3 areas.  That was the most frightening aspect - them on the ground and within the base - it's so dusty and was even more so after the rockets and fires that there was no way they could have been easily seen.  So, finally we were allowed to leave the bunkers and head back - on top of all of it, I am also battling an intestinal issue that's been making it's way through our compound - that, combined with nerves and lack sleep  has made the Hillbilly one exhausted, sick puppy.  Thank goodness for a small library of horrible disaster movies!  I would be interested in what you hear there on the news - the most detailed information I found was in the European press reports.  So three, serious attacks in 1 week (and yes, Bagram was much worse than what was reported, but not as nasty as last night) - this is getting critical here.  Scary business here folks and today there's kind of a lock-down.  No leaving your area without  your helmet and kevlar vest.  Which is fine by me since I feel like poo and even my elbows and toes ache from this bug I have.  Thailand is in just a few weeks so that thought makes me feel a hundred times better!

This is short because I'm simply just really spent and run down.  Also kind of in disbelief at the events of last evening.  I am filthy, covered with a layer of dust and dirt after marinating in sweat for hours and crawling around in a bunker - and completely do not give a shit - tired and sick wins over impeccable hygiene today.  I hope you all are enjoying the weekend!  Be safe in all you do.

Drink of the Day - clear liquids and peptobismal

1 comment:

kathy scowby said...

Lordy...take care of yourself, woman!
I'm in the middle of composing a lengthy-ish email to you, but it remains endlessly stuck in my "drafts" box...I can't seem to find myself enough time to sit down and have a complete thought! Promise to get it to you soon...
Please be careful!
Love Kathy