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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two for the Show...

First week back to work from any vacation is less than stellar, but first the week back here has been a combination of environmental assault, total boredom and yearning for all things green!  Coming back wasn't all that bad barring the minor discomfort of finding myself outside of the wire and temporarily not able to get back in.  However, my lungs, eyes and nasal passages are fighting every minute of it!  It's been so bad here that the sun wasn't even visible for the last four days.  Simply nasty weather in a nasty place and I had become rather fond of moisture in the air during my two week reprieve.  I fear my ongoing daily confrontation with my Kleenex as it holds the horrors of Afghanistan!  Body fluids aside, I am really missing the freedom to roam and of course the beautiful beaches, but that was to be expected.  Other than that, I have been incredibly bored, impatient and restless all week as I get settled back into my routine.  Fortunately, as is typical, it's all picking up quickly and simultaneously of course.  I have had the same trip out cancelled all week due to weather and it's finally leaving tomorrow morning for a quick day trip - to be followed by a about a week long venture out after that - to a place that I hope has more to offer now than port-a-johns.  We'll see if my planning efforts have paid off, as the idea of a port-a-john in 115 degree heat doesn't seem too appealing - but they have an abundance of ice cream there!  I need to get out of here soon before I develop any significant apprehension about flying - I haven't been out of here (except for vacation) for weeks and it's been long enough to make me paranoid about flying being that it's become so "active" over here this summer.  I'll get over it.

Big news!  A very good friend finally had her twins last week - I still can't believe it!  When I left, she was barely showing so it's strange to think of her with two little infants now.  She and her significant other will be excellent parental units and I'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to them!  That's double the poo and spit up, but it couldn't happen to better people.  Can't wait to meet the little guys either!  It's a child army.  Babies... I missed the maternal chip when they were handing those out and find them kind of scary.  I prefer them old enough to tell me what they need or at least point and scream - I still do that now and its pretty effective.  I do enjoy being an Aunt but have to be very careful of not being too much of myself around the childrenz - I have developed a second language so that my family and friends still will allow my around their offspring.  "that's a bunch of shittake" "sweet baby goats"  "Fred and Ethel!" all originate from much more sinister and inappropriate terminology, but you do what you have to do - the sacrifices I make for those kids - it's a pain in my "hoo hah".

I hear it's extremely hot and muggy back in the states - like forearm sweaty muggy!  Nasty stuff, but I still might consider that a trade up from here.  Close though - it stinks when it's too hot to even enjoy being outside.  I miss outside, on the river, with friends and icy beverages!  Happy Birthday to Kim and Lisa who are in the midst of birthday season!  Enjoy the Haufbrau and have one for me!  This has been one of the most boring posts yet, but I promise more blood and guts next time!

Drink of the Night - Rootbeer!

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