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Friday, September 17, 2010

The Dirt is Turning - Fall is Here!

Wow.  Sorry for such a long delay between posts.  I was actually home for an unexpected visit for 3 weeks and upon my return, promptly was brought to my knees by some super-bug-flu-cold.  Welcome back to Afghanistan! 

Since I've been gone, and then returned, I've noticed quite a few changes around this place.  The Taliban, for instance, apparently have a little bee on their bonnet lately.  They have been shelling the base on a pretty consistent and frequent basis which then results in us bombing the bejesus out of them all night.  Nothing too out of the ordinary but not much fun while thrashing around feverishly in my bed for days while the rocket sirens went off continuously all day and night - I didn't really even give a damn as I was that sick.  It's also now only reaching a high in the 80s-90s which means...fall is approaching!  The only noticeable difference, since there are no trees here, is that the sky is actually blue again as opposed to the continual beige it had been during the summer.   Change! ... is a-happenin' in the military personnel we are attached to - lots of new and shiny faces with no idea who these old grizzled geezers are in the planning tent.  The best part is that we are finally senior and the only people who actually know how to navigate the minefield of military planning and all it's associated bullshit.  It will be sad to watch the enthusiasm and eagerness slowly seep out of their young little faces ... draining the hopes and dreams of a productive first deployment from their little consciousnesseseses. This new batch is very green which means it will initially be much more frustrating for everyone else.  The worst part is that the team I worked with since being here is leaving and that was a group of some of the funniest young guys I have had the good fortune to encounter in some time.  Now that they are about to leave, I can let a little more of my own special brand of humor seep to the surface as a parting gift.  They have been very disappointed that I had not shared this unique and jaw dropping side of me much sooner, but they are young and I did not want to harm them.

Unfortunately, many things haven't changed - the primary one being that Karzai is still the proverbial poop stain in the American underpants that is Afghan policy.  What a corrupt, selfish and totally unaccountable government he oversees.  We still aren't allowed to have alcohol (thanks alot Petraeus) - although I did here of a German post in NW Afghanistan where they are allowed two beers a day.  Must. Get. There... And this is still a toxic and noxious place although not as bad when it's cooler because it makes a huge difference when the dirty air isn't plastered all over your sweaty skin.  So I'm no longer feeling like I'm wearing this place, rather just exiting within it at this point.  I believe the Afghan elections are in the next couple of days as well.  Thankfully, they have none of the televised campaign commercials that we are assaulted with at home - had the misfortune of having to experience those while on my visit and I can't say that I miss them much... I am terribly curious as to how Afghan candidates promote themselves but since I don't believe it's a process even close to diplomatic, I find I don't really care in the end.

So my trip home was excellent and exactly what I needed.  I am extremely fortunate with the family and friends I have in my life and none of them has a clue as to how much seeing each of them helped - and continues to help - me.  I returned in a very settled state of mind which I needed desperately and also with some great and very recent good-timey memories!  Now I'm back here and feel more like myself again.  4 more months on this contract and then if I sign up for another year - a prospect which is kind of hard to swallow at times - it will seem more voluntary somehow after having one already under my belt.  I still have some interesting job prospects in play but at this point understand that those agencies I am striving to become part of have nothing but time so I need to gather some patience.  In the meantime, I hope to convince one of these stray cats in our compound to become my companion and special human friend.  I even have a name picked out for my future mouser - Quick Paws McGraw - as you may have guessed by now, I favor titles and themes over actual names when it comes to pets.  I will have to work some Svengali-esque magic to convince an adolescent and feral kitty cat that this union makes sense - you all will be the first to know if I can actually make it happen! 

I am determined to enjoy my favorite things about the fall to the best of my ability from here - there will be no getting around experiencing an actual Oktoberfest, Pumpkin Festivals, homemade chili or beef and noodles, but I did join a Fantasy Football League which has so far been interesting - I can't see the games but rather only read about them after there are over.  I also have crappy internet so research is limited and the work computer blocks my FF site, but attempting to do it still makes me happy!!  We are trying to create an area in our compound where we can at least stand around a fire barrel like a bunch of bums or lounge in our camping chairs by firelight - we are all very excited about the fall and won't miss the 120 degree highs of the summer much at all.  It will be a Kentucky fall in my heart and mind even if it doesn't remotely resemble it here!  Hopefully the internet will continue to be forgiving and allow me to post more regularly.  Until then, Happy Yom Kippur, Jewbilee and the rest of you gentiles have a wonderful weekend!

Drink of the night:  Chai Tea Latte ... in a smoking jacket with one pinkie up

1 comment:

Kennedy said...

Finally a note on how it's going! Can't wait for you to be back in the US of A.