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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Center of Democracy!

Alrighty!  Am in Athens now and love the city.  My hotel is in the old section and I can walk to all "ancient" settings.  Thankfully this morning I bothered to look at my itinerary - I thought for some reason my flight was at 6:20pm but when I looked it was actually 10:30am - hustled out of there and was actually up at 7am so I made it in time.  Two totally different settings - really enjoyed Istanbul, but am loving Athens.  Tired, but when I arrived I still managed to walk for several hours and at least tour the Temple of Zeus (right across from my hotel) and drink some wine and hang out in the Plaka district which is the old section and right around the corner.  Enjoyed some Greek wine, bought a few gifts and then had a mushroom risotto on top of the hotel with a spectacular view of the city and the Acropolis!

So I get here, upack (room is fabulous) and walk across the street to see Hadrian's Gate and the temple of Zeus - turn around and Snap! The Acropolis is right behind me - LOVE when that happens - I didn't even see it until I turned around! While I was in Istanbul, I purposefully just started walking and was literally lost in the city.  Walked for hours and started to smell spices - turned the corner and walked into the middle of the Egyptian Spice Market - where I wanted to end up.  I love being lost!  It's the best way to discover a city - keep the map handy, but just follow your instincts and see all the things hidden in the alleyways.

I am totally whipped tonight and hope to get a good night's sleep.  One thing about living in Afghanistan is that when you leave is when you realize how exhausting it is to live there.  Although you get used to all the rockets, mortars and gunfire you tend to forget that it causes not very much restful sleep. Tomorrow I am spending the day hiking the Acropolis, Mars Hill, etc - certain to be a cruel mistress, but I can't wait.  I have spent so many years reading and studying ancient Greece that to finally see it - up close and personal - is at least a two-pantie-shield experience!  I'm laying on my bed now and can see the columns of the Zeus Temple from the bed - this is really fantastic.  A travel companion would be perfect - as you travel much differently when alone - but I'm still enjoying the hell out of myself!  The Jewbilee should be here with me...

My hotel is between the sets of columns on the left

This is a Roman Bath in a ditch on the street

My first meal here in the Plaka District

Ruins in front of an ancient Greek church - there is a cat in there on the ledge

Hadrian's Gate on my way back to hotel

Drinks of the day - Greek wine, tea and cappuccino - I totally forgot to steal an espresso cup from Turkey which means i will have to lift two from Greece to add to the collection.

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