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Sunday, February 27, 2011


I lounge here writing this entry surrounded by Kleenex - both used and unused - in my hotel room in Dubai.  Fly out tomorrow for Afghanistan and am trying to get ahead of the nasty cold I caught while on a wonderful vacation.  I lost a complete day in Paris to it, but recovered enough to have a near perfect day the next, and final day, on my trip.  Spent a wonderful day strolling through St. Germain in the Latin Quarter and the Marais District.   Enjoyed some cafes, the streets, people and had the best French Onion Soup of my Hillbilly life. There was the most interesting little cafe that we enjoyed.  It was full of regulars - in particular, an elegant, raspy-voiced elderly Parisian woman who basically sat there and smoked, drank and visited with everyone who walked by - including a parrot.  She must do that every day and was obviously well liked by all - although I could not understand a thing she said, being that it was in French, you could tell it was funny, most likely off-color and with a bit of sass because of the laughter and reactions her remarks evoked. Stumbled into the Jewish District and had some delicious and authentic treats there - totally enthralled by this district especially considering the history and occupation of Paris during WWII - I am a history crazy.  I love when you find someplace incredibly cool and weren't even looking for it.
The Parisian Hillbilly

There's something about Paris that I really love but can't quite pinpoint.  Maybe the feel of the city and the people.  I could live there and now understand why people rave about it.  Also, although we saw quite a few unfortunates, there was no pan-handling and the kiddies were even fun, cute and well-behaved.  Imagine that! The transit system was easy to navigate and thankfully our trip to the airport with too much luggage and many subway steps went smoothly thanks to it being very early in the morning.  The Wino even managed to get stuck in the turnstile - me stuck in the space between the turnstile and electronic door, with my bag on the other side of the turnstile.  Had to ask to be released and we laughed our behinds off about it.  The day earlier, we saw someone fall up the metro steps and discussed how embarrassing that could be - not 15 minutes later, as we were reading the subway map while on the people mover, it ended without us realizing and we almost toppled to the ground - stay classy San Diego (the Ron Jeremy tag-line from Anchorman for those of you not familiar)!

The following pics don't even need captions because they are so recognizable - except for this shop.  We take a lot of pictures of markets and food because they look more delicious and well-preserved than we do - obviously.  Speaking of which, I have this good friend who is a chef at one of my favorite places in the world back at home - he has taken up making butter sculptures of famous places and events ...
Protests - not in Paris, but made of but-tah!

I love these and they crack me the hell up.

the back of the Notre Dame

The lovely Sienne

Now I'm back in Dubai, nursing a phenomenal cold and once again listening to the Muslim prayer chants via loudspeaker throughout the city.  I always seem to pick up something pretty nasty while traveling - didn't in Thailand and I think that was because I allowed myself to relax beach side for 2 weeks.  I go on these trips, already exhausted from how I live in Afghanistan, and create an endurance sport out of my travels.  I simply cannot help it - I crave getting out of there so much combined with wanting to see as much as I can and it results in me running myself into the ground.  Next trip is home and other than a jaunt to Vegas for a few days, the Wino plans on pool-side action, golf, grilling out and hanging casually with family and friends.  That should stave off any cooties. 

The airport here was crazy last night - absolutely packed with people - many of whom were fleeing the conflicts occurring throughout northern Africa and the Middle East.  Mayhem and little use of deodorant made for a slightly unpleasant end to an already long day of travels - all with an incredible head cold/sinus infection.  Then, when you left the airport to grab a taxi, there were so many people with signs, etc. in the greeting area that I felt like a Bollywood star!  Every time I watch the intensity of what's happening over here I can't help but wonder if I will be working in one of those countries next.  I personally think a governance and stabilization jaunt in Libya would be fascinating considering that its potentially a successful revolt against 40 years of oppression by a nut job.  Talk about amazing - I hope they are successful.  To be part of setting up a democracy there - where the people instigated it - would be the experience of a lifetime as compared to trying to do undertake the same goals in a country where they don't really give a camel's ass and it's all about their own personal gain .... hmmm, where could that be? Plus, right now we get to enjoy the added bonus of the rambling nonsensical  speeches given by Gaddafi (I will spell his name differently each time I use it) - how do you rally supporters you've hired to kill your own people for the purpose of you not losing your personal power and wealth - he can't even come up with any solid reasons his countrymen should continue to support him - what a goofball!  Even his big-breasted Ukrainian nurse has quit his ass and once that happens, you know the fat lady is singing.

Anycoup, back to the 'stan tomorrow morning where it sounds like it's gotten quite crazy during my absence - if the security emails I've seen via work correspondence is any indication.  I can start another 3 month countdown until my next break from there - really passes the time.  I will like to close with a huge birthday wish to one of the Hillbilly Wino's favorite men in the universe - Happy Birthday Steve G. and enjoy your weekend of fun with my other favorite man, Mike K.  After all these years, you're both still the prettiest girls on the block!

Drink of the day - hopefully some red wine to soothe my sinus passages!


Kennedy said...

I am pretty!!!

Lucy said...

Thank you for the promise to spell Qaddfhi's name differently every time you use it. It's about time someone is bold enough to do this.