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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hillbillies, Winos and the Dark Continent - oh my!

Where does the time go?  ... what a year.  This time last year I found myself in Dubai and readying myself for another trip to Afghanistan.  That adventure completed, I returned home and had a slew of life challenging events.  The kind of challenges that really change a person and now, having come out the other end of that shit-storm wormhole, I'm finally feeling like the new and improved version of myself those difficulties may have been intended to create.  So... it was time for a job and a new adrenaline packed adventure.  I was able to combine both in this new position.  After many close flirtations with employment on the home front, I reluctantly accepted a position overseas.  I now see that this was certainly the thing to do!  I write this from South Africa where I am enduring an orientation before I actually depart for Mozambique to rein in the madness, get things under control and then close down a decade plus program.  This has become the Wino's "thing" - cleaning up and closing down... and it's certainly not for the feint of heart.  I can sum up the myriad of reasons that many programs close in one word - fraud.  While I cannot name the organization I am performing my magic for, I will say there are a few employees awaiting my stewardship in Mozambique who will not be happy campers after I arrive.  That said, I'm ready to put some lipstick on this pig and combine as much fun and life experience as I can with the necessary grind of work duties!  It's Africa after all.

I'm into day three of work, the cruel mistress that is jet lag and being a punchy drunky from a horrifying lack of sleep.  The trip here was without incident except for a small delay into Atlanta that caused me to miss a greatly anticipated beer with my brother who also happened to be passing though.  While not able to upgrade to business class, the nearly 16 hour flight crammed into economy was endurable and without any major incidents, smelly seat mates or obnoxious children in my vicinity - so it was pretty damn good.  My arrival in Johannesburg also went smoothly and the nearly 45 minute trip to Pretoria was spent enjoying sunset and the smell of bonfire due to controlled grass burns that are apparently popular this time of year.  The hotel is nice, close to work and in an area that has been deemed "safe" by my coworkers.  Someone on my floor is smoking the bejesus out of weed so that wafts through the hallways in the evenings. Bars, restaurants, coffee shops and a nice amount a street activity thanks to the University have made lunch and early evenings pretty enjoyable - once I can stay up past 8pm I'll let you know about the night life!  Planning to hit some live music and open markets this weekend - all right around the corner. English is very popular here and the people extremely friendly so for now I'm meeting new people, getting settled in and preparing myself for Maputo at the end of next week.

View from hotel

Another view from my hotel room - Pretoria, SA

Mozambique is going to be quite an experience and one that I'm very much looking forward                                                                      to immersing myself.  I'll be alert by then as well and ready to knock this project out!  I still don't have an apartment there so I will be in a hotel for the time being until something satisfactory can be located - this might be tricky on an NGO budget in a city where the property prices are continually increasing thanks to the oil and gas industry. By mid-August the Wino's new "special friend" will be joining me for a few months to partake in an African adventure and a much needed break from the stresses of existing back home - we don't speak Portuguese, but what the hell, right?  The new friend was the one major bright spot in the past year, so I'm very much looking forward to having someone to share my experiences - especially this particular someone.  My coworkers seem to like Mozambique as a country, but are completely stressed out over the project.  This assignment appears to pale in comparison to the nightmare that I was involved in during my last trip to Afghanistan. While I know it will be tricky work, I am shockingly absent of any nervousness or anxiousness regarding what I am about to do - and that's such a great feeling.  Could it be that the knowledge of the distinct lack of explosions, gunfire and radical Muslims just may have calmed me the hell down?! Yep.

This is short and sweet, but what do you expect after a year of no blogging :)  Good things are on the horizon and I'm simply just looking forward to discovering them.  Thanks to Katie and family for taking on Django and Fat Kid Ninja during my departure and also to an excellent group of friends for your support and fun send-off. Cheers to Africa and the next six months.  Happy 4th everyone!!

Drink of the night - A South African Pinotage - delicious!

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