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Friday, May 21, 2010

In the name of all things Holy...

Sweet Baby Jesus - the A/C in my living quarters is out!! It's almost unbearable, but I do have cold things to drink and a bright and cheery attitude...  I was in the middle of a tirade at the cruelty of nature and the failings of technology when there was a knock on the door and the HVAC guy appeared - armed, of course.  It's so nasty and hot here that the wires in the unit have melted.  Good Lord!  If I don't move around too much I can almost stand it.  The alternative is to sleep in the transient tent which is similar to sitting on the toilet seat at a Greyhound bus station  - and most likely not going to happen.  I will push on, but will definitely be sleeping on top of the covers tonight.

I received a wonderful box from the Kennedy clan today - full of great things that included a box set of some of the worst disaster movies ever made - they are so bad that they're brilliant and I am absolutely loving them.  It's a collection of where your career ends up if you drink and drug too much, age poorly, don't sleep with the right people or any combination of the aforementioned.  I've watched 2 of them so far and it's like the magic answer to "what ever happened to so-and-so" ...  Judd Nelson, Kim Delany, Dean Cain ... well played Kennedys!  There were some Shirley Temple classics included as well which will be a fabulous compliment to the disaster films.  Fabulous!  I am going to enjoy these all night, complete with the popcorn you sent and lay here in my oven of a room, wondering how Beau Bridges ended up in one of these films.

So today, I may have mentioned, was hot - if I could take a picture of heat I would, just so that I could post it here.  It was also very busy and disorganized as things are with military endeavors - I was just about to pull a "Daddy went out for cigarettes and never came back" when we began to discuss how to make the summer here more like it would be at home.  For example, how do we procure meat to throw on the grills that are right outside of our work tents?  What could we scrounge to concoct a marinade?  Can you find a cooler and if so, where can we find ice?  How many fake beers does it take to get a slight buzz?  I'm certain that if I had a prisoner pen pal that I could answer every single one of these questions. "How I spent my summer" projects - and poker - just might be the key to dealing with what is shaping up to be an HVAC-melting next few months.  An active imagination is a wonderful thing and those of you who know me well, know that I can imagine myself out of almost anything - I can also make the best out of almost any situation - additionally, sarcasm and brazen ignorance have gotten me far and I hope can continue to keep me afloat.  Right now I'm imagining how much worse it would be to be forever associated with the film "10.5 Apocalypse" than risking heat exhaustion in Afghanistan!

Now for a few events deserving of a shout out. Happy Birthday tomorrow Deirdre and I hope it's a good one!  One more week Ang and your nemesis will have moved out while you move on - cue the happy music!  Also, congratulations to Mary and Brad on their recent nuptials!  I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the season change.  Tomorrow is Bazaar day and I'm planning on making the most of it.  Enjoy the weekend!

Drinks of the night - cold water, green tea, cold fake beers, Chrystal Carrington Light (cold) and an ice pack.

1 comment:

Kennedy said...

And don't forget Shannen Doherty. I loved the DVD box's liberal use of the term "Collector's Set". They had me right there. And I figured you could freak out the Afghanis with the Shirley Temple movies.

I just watched the trailer to 10.5 Apocalypse and was mesmerized. I missed the connection between volcanoes in Idaho (which I'm not even sure there are volcanoes there) and earthquakes spreading east from LA (and what f*ck is President Beau Bridges going to do about it anyway?!?). The skill to pull shit off like this is amazing.