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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life in a Tent with Italian Internet

Good Day from Afghanistan!  I am enjoying a relaxing morning of free time thanks to a late night of planning bases - I had hoped to sleep in, but then was rudely reminded that I do, in fact, live in a tent by a roaring thunderstorm this morning. I thought I was going to have to grab my coffee pod and tie myself to the bunk bed as the tent was torn of it's foundation - obviously I was spared that inconvenience and am now happily typing away.  I did discover that my tent leaks, but have found comfort in the fact that I basically live in the desert and don't expect much rain.  Menno Paws is also now M.I.A. so I wonder if he was possible washed away ... I can only hope.

My internet provider is an Italian company which means everything you Google, etc. comes up in Italian - this happens no matter how many times you change the settings.  The good thing is that the Italians don't have the high moral code that the Indian company had and therefore, I can still access most of my favorite sites.  The drawback is that I understand little of my internet searches because the results are in a foreign language so I have to guess which site may fit my needs, select it, and then choose the English language version once there - trust me when I say I have ended up in some weird places on the internet from performing simple searches for things like mouse traps and moth balls and then trying to decipher the Italian results.  Apparently the Japanese are fond of mouse-trap utilization in the erotic sense ....  strange ... very, very strange ... Hilarity ensued ...

This is a short post today.  I have had a hugely busy and productive week and am also preparing for another FOB visit in a few days.  My ankle is still driving me nuts ... no ankle boot is made to be worn for 15 hours a day is all I'm saying.  The pain medication works, but makes me horribly nauseous so I can't really take it too often - I'm still feeling ill this morning after taking it last night - so I haven't quite figured out the best plan of action for healing.  I have considered a bionic ankle and am curious as to whom can turn me into the modern day Jamie Sommers ... aka Bionic Woman ... right now I'd even take one of her dial-up mattresses... I wonder what sleep number I am?

Today - the 28th - is also my dear Mumsy's birthday!  Happy Birthday Mom!!!  Let's all send her a happy birthday vibe!

Drink of the morning - Maalox with an aspirin chaser and total stillness in hopes of the spins going away!

1 comment:

Kennedy said...

Has the mouse been replaced with a poisonous snake that ate it?