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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brought to you by "Jingle Truck"

Heyyy!  Forget those fat-rimmed, rotating hub, low riding late model Lexus' - this is how they roll in Afghanistan - the "Jingle Truck".  I am absolutely mesmerized by these - much like a kitten confronted with movement, my head snaps towards these whenever they pass - most of them jingle too which makes them even harder to resist.  They take these delivery trucks and ... Make. Them. Fabulous.  These would make Liberace look pedestrian.  I was behind a whole caravan of these today and had to share.  This one even has a middle eastern motif cut into the metal bracketing. Caliente!!

Other than the Jingle Trucks, I enjoyed a ride out to the eastern side of BAF - I posted more pics on Facebook, but there's a ton of old crumbly adobe housing and then some mud structures that are actually inhabited.  What really freaks me out is seeing kids and people with herds of livestock wandering around active mine fields.  There is also an exploded menagerie of Soviet and US military equipment, the prison, the burn pits (nasty) and this little reminder of why not to wander outside of the wire unsupervised ....

This did shock me a little as I'm sure it didn't drive itself out there and people were probably seriously hurt.  It must be recent too as there was no water damage to the interior.  The shot I couldn't get was of the huge cargo plane that crashed the other day. It's landing gear didn't come all the way down and it rode in on a wing and tore the engine off.  It's at the end of the runway like some huge post-apocolyptic monolith.  Kooky.

Anycreepy, I am feeling much better and had a full day of work.  Tomorrow is the changing of command of the BAF - we all have to attend the ceremony - should be interesting and it's on my end of town so I don't have to get up so early to walk to work just to turn around and walk back.  Ahhh, the hum of the jet engines is lulling me to sleep, so I must go now and get some shut-eye.

Drink of the evening - Liquid Nyquil - hmmmm

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