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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Let go of my Ego ...

Well I had an OK day, but it was definitely a bad day to be Corey Haim.  Do we even have any 80's icons left who rose to fame and then pissed it all away when their egos ran amok - only to lose it all in the downward spiral of drug abuse and die in their own sick???  I just heard that one of the Corey's passed away while I was grabbing dinner.   Sad, but not shocking - interesting too as I have spent a day observing the jostling egos that abound in my work environment and wonder what some of these guys would do if they lost their biggest fan - themselves.  Hopefully not take the Corey Haim route - didn't that guy try to sell his tooth on the internet a while back for rent money?  I should be more sympathetic but I'm too tired to make the effort.

Anyfullofshit, I have been secretly calling "bullshit" to most of the random conversations I have been privy to today.  Maybe the planets are misaligned or everyone was in a particularly insecure mood, but there are a couple of guys I work with who I sincerely think would take credit for inventing the question mark if that somehow proved them to be the ultimate authority on all things relevant.  They aren't bad fellows, but I do subscribe to the notion that if you have to tell someone you're great, then you're probably not-so-much.  I think some of it originates from a "wannabe"  mentality - we work with military uniforms and high ranking officers every day - too many guys with guns, uniforms and clearly defined rank around too many guys with no guns, no uniforms and a false sense of authority - this could be an anthropological dissertation for anyone willing to take it on - just remember to bring your BS waders 'cause it's getting deep.  The reality is actually quite sad for a couple of these guys as we merely advise and are not the decision makers - the guys with the rank and the guns get to do that - they also get to have the biggest egos too - this is really going to get interesting ...  Thankfully it's only a couple of people from the overall team - everyone else is very laid back, knowledgeable and quietly confident in their ability to contribute. But as we all know, it's those insecure ones who make the rest go crazy.

I am very much ready for my day off on Friday - it begins with a 9am "voluntary" get together so that we can all pitch in on a construction project that directly benefits us.  After that it's looking like some Texas Hold 'em in the sun and then the driving of golf balls into the minefields - I cannot wait for that and I don't think it will be drastically different than some of the courses I regularly play at home!  More things should potentially explode when one plays golf - can you imagine how much more exciting watching it on TV would be?  I hope it regenerates my energy level as I am dragging and my blog is reflecting that fact - it's rather dull and boring the last few days and for that I apologize.  I just need to work out a better schedule for myself -  one that gives me more than one and a half hours of free time every day ... I also think I'm a little homesick and missing my old routine ...

Drink of the night - an iced tea packet in my room temp. bottle of water - no wonder I'm a wee bit grumpy!

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