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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Pod Sunday!

Here's how I started my Sunday ... brewing coffee in my new POD brewer!  The whole hovel smelled like home - note that the Fiber One just showed up in my care package, the Special K was "borrowed" from the DFAC and those are some of my pirated CDs on the shelf.  I am feeling amazingly rested - I decided to break down and take my Malaria medication last night after I saw a mosquito on the way to the latrines - anyloopy, it was everything I'd heard it could be!  Strange dreams and general happy thoughts.  I can now feel safe from the dangers of malaria and enjoy a little buzz once a week - how's that for a best case scenario!

Today was really beautiful outside - I tend to think of the days as being nicer when I'm not working.  It was  hot too.  I packed up most of my room and then knocked out an hour of cardio and some weight lifting - that should tell you how much life has changed - I hate doing cardio - it bores me to death and I considered it a health related feat doing 20 minutes a day on an elliptical machine in front of the TV at home - now I do an hour with nothing but some music on the headphones and my own thoughts.  Because - life is much more simple here and I'm not in a rush to get anywhere or to do 5 things at once.  It also keeps me from smoking - something I'm glad I gave up, but still dearly miss - it's like my third arm was cut off and I'm still trying to get it into a shirt sleeve in the morning - it's noticeably missing, but who needs a third arm - Right?  Additionally, I took a nice hot shower, managed not to touch the shower curtain, and used my new body wash that came in my boxes from home.  It was an A+ day - I didn't even mind the horrific BO that emitted from the Afghans who popped into the gym to clean while I was working out.  Let me tell you, after two weeks with the Polish and then being in proximity to the Afghans who work on the bases, the importance of deodorant is sorely under emphasized.  It can literally choke you - it's that bad - it's like you are getting punched in the face with stink.  At least I saw them come in (complete with an armed escort) so I was prepared to space my breathing accordingly - when you don't see them first is when it really knocks you out.  They work in the dining facility too so you may be eating your veggies, minding your own business and then the next moment your food almost shoots out of your nose because you were guerilla'd with BO - didn't see it coming - Boom!  It's so bad you want to rub your face in the carpet like a dog would if it got into something nasty.  I will never get used to it.

Oh, I love my new coffee machine so much that not only did I take two pictures of it, but I did this one in sepia tone - not only does it reflect high art, it also makes my space look old-timey and institutional - this is my proud little corner of civilization - the fridge, TV and now coffee machine.  Notice the hillbilly window - it opens and there's actually a screen - not plywood like most of the Bhuts - I can tie the window cover flap to the ceiling to keep it open.  Lord knows I love an open window and one that's trailer-parkey is even better!  Most of these Bhut settlements resemble foreclosure neighborhoods - the windows are boarded up with plywood - it's supposed to make us safer, but these huts are made of plywood - so - is one more piece of it going to offer that much more protection from something that explodes?  Oh yea - Mike A., Dad and Betsy - you are all getting one of those coffee mugs pictured.  "Honor first, Coffee second".   Steve S. - you need to let me know if you'd like one and/or make a request for something else so I can pick it up before I leave Bagram.

It's does get a little too dusty in my space if I leave the window open too long and I am also afraid of the possibilities of insect or arachnid life that may venture into my space.  Believe me - I have made a mental map of every spot and mark on the walls so that I know what's "friend or foe" - this will prove to be more difficult once I get to Kandahar.  The creepy crawlies can just come right into the tent - I'm going to have to read up on home remedies for keeping scorpions, snakes and other unfortunate possibilities at bay.  I can't even believe that I am typing that last statement.  I will never be a Buddhist as I firmly believe that some things should die and die quickly!  Especially if I'm scared of them, see them while naked or they sneak up on me - bugs, you know who you are ... and all snakes with teeth.

Well, I hope that those of you who care are enjoying Psalm Sunday with your families, eating ham, etc.  I hear that next weekend is Easter.  One question - is it Easter everywhere or only in the US and who gets to decide?  I know it's a Christian holiday but do other counties decide for themselves when to celebrate - which Christian Church picks the date or is there a religious colloquium that decides? They are advertising Easter events here, but it's a US base - just got me thinking.

Drink of the afternoon - a chilled, Crystal Light lemonade - enjoyed in my camping chair out in the sun!


Kennedy said...

I like the My Name is Earl box set (is that really necessary?) in your sepia-toned photo. Is that part of torture training?

Unknown said...

You don't like My Name is Earl? I love it, but we wouldn't want the world to think all Americans behave that way now would we.